The Corona Effect

What could the Corona effect mean to you, your career, and hiring in general?

Generals thoughts- Keep Calm and Carry On! Try to mirror some of the actions taken against the virus in your career strategy.

I think it is safe to say that we will be seeing the lingering effects of the Corona-response actions throughout the rest of 2020, regardless of if we are back at business as usual within 4 or 12 weeks.

Remote upgrade.

We are seeing swaths of people in almost every area start to look for remote, freelance, or telepresence positions. OR- current workers are making a strong push for working remotely. Get started TODAY! Make your request TODAY. Come into your meeting with a plan of how you can succeed. If you have a team, think about office shifts (a group on Monday, Tuesday, etc.) If you are looking to jump into remote or freelance from an hourly gig- get set up now. Your area of experience or expertise might get very crowded, very fast.

Shelter in place.

Really take a look at what your employer is doing to put your health and the business continuity on an equal footing. While it may be prudent for you to stick with your role for 2020, these incidents can share a glaring light on your organization's priorities. They can also point out operational areas that need to improve- and you could lead those solutions.

eLearning. Not just for kids!

If you are on a hiatus, in quarantine, or find yourself done with bingeing for a while, think about updating your skills and abilities. Maybe there is an area that you've been hoping to take a look at for a while, a new certificate that sounds interesting, or another career path that has been appealing for a few years. Explore! With platforms ranging from YouTube, CodeAcademy,, Udemy, Coursera and more, now could be a great time for you to take on some professional development.

Networking. Smaller is better.

If you needed an excuse to get away from giant networking events, a government prohibition might be just the kick in the pants you've needed. With current limits between 50-250 people, it is a great time to rediscover the ability to make a personal connection 1-on-1 or even within a 6 or 10 person group. These kinds of interactions can help to bolster the service industry while also keeping your potential Corona contact list to a manageable size.

I think these are just some of the trends and actions that you'll see taking hold in the coming weeks. But again- Keep Calm and Carry On. And wash those hands. Prayers for everyone affected by the virus!

#coronaeffect #careerplanning #resumehelp #COVID19